Sketch to HTML

Logo of Sketch editor

Sketch as an alternative to Photoshop is gaining more and more popularity among web designers due to its focus on web design, simplicity of use and flexibility.

All this comes in a light-weight package for a price which is a fraction of the long-term Adobe Photoshop subscription costs.

Sketch to HTML is an alternative to PSD to HTML

Bohemian Coding, the company behind Sketch, is constantly improving its product, bringing it even closer to the UX / UI designers. As a result of increasing demand for Sketch to HTML conversion from our clients, we’ve started a new conversion service last year – Sketch to HTML.

Switching to Sketch

If you are thinking about switching to Sketch, here is a list of inspiring articles by designers using Sketch:

Sketch to HTML

If you have designed your website in Sketch and are thinking about conversion to HTML, worry no more! Just deliver us your Sketch designs and we will convert them to modern HTML5 / CSS3 templates with the following characteristics:

  • Reasonable Pixel-precision. We use our own tool called X-Precise to ensure that conversions look like the provided Sketch designs. We will discuss all necessary changes and enhancements to the live templates with you.
  • Modern Development Workflow. We use our custom-built tool XH Generator which supports modern front-end development workflows like CSS preprocessor (SCSS or Less) or Grunt automation tasks.
  • Cross-Browser Compatible. Our Quality Assurance team ensures that your website displays and functions properly in all the supported browsers and devices.
  • Web Standards Compliant & Accessible. Our HTML and CSS are valid and we adhere to the basic accessibility principles for all our projects.
  • Semantic Markup. We use proper HTML5 elements for your markup.
  • Fast Loading. We reduce the number of HTTP requests on your website by using CSS sprites and optimize images for loading.
  • Nicely Formatted & Commented Code. We make code of your website easy to read and understand by formatting it properly and using comments where needed.

If you are interested in our Sketch to HTML service, just sent us your project details to get a free quote.

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