The journey
Established in 2005 as an entirely remote company by an Australian, Dave Rosen, and Slovak Stano Dzavoronok, Xfive has been successfully evolving.
Operating in the constantly changing market of web development services, the company matured from being a pioneer of modern web development services to a fully grown-up digital product studio.
Xfive has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, and an operational center in Krakow, Poland. Currently hiring over 60 people, over 70% of the staff have always been remote employees.
The evolution
That’s why Xfive’s day-to-day operations were not disturbed by the situation. Although it was challenging to deal with social isolation, thanks to the remote processes that Xfive’s team used through the years, they could use this time to rethink the goals and plan future activities.
It isn’t just a new website that looks ‘nice.’ I find it visually awesome and love that it shows how huge a journey we made and what we can offer to the world Xfive has nowadays. It is the timeline that shows what the journey Xfive did to become a successful digital product studio.
Milosz Bazela
The idea was not only to redesign the company’s website, which is a necessary activity for every business from time to time.
Analyzing who Xfive already served, what they did best, and what they would like to do in the future, the answer was simple.
Xfive is a digital product studio that helps socially responsible businesses to start, operate, and succeed in the modern digital environment.
Almost 20 years of experience delivering websites, apps, and e-commerce solutions for such organizations translates into Xfive’s new mission statement and values.
Digital expertise in support of positive change in the world. Every day.
The new website focuses on three primary pillars:
- The work Xfive has already delivered (Case Studies and Portfolio)
- The value Xfive can provide now Xfive can provide now (Services)
- The way Xfive does it (Culture)
Making the communication clear and straightforward was one of our goals. On the other hand, being an experienced design and development company, Xfive decided to show off and produce a lighting-fast website while adding a creative touch with animations and micro-interactions.
The prototyping and design in Figma and headless WordPress with Next.js front-end as a solution was the right choice to present an example of modern technology that can be delivered to the most demanding clients.